By John R. Quain
Apr 12, 2019
Does it Matter Whether or Not Your Autonomous Car Can Think?
Much is made these days about artificial intelligence or AI particularly as it may be the savior for what ails self-driving vehicle...

By John R. Quain
Apr 5, 2019
The Week in Autonomy: Florida Law, Public Skepticism, and Tesla
In the ignorance-is-bliss category, another poll found that most people in the U.S. are skeptical about autonomous vehicles. A Reuters...

By John R. Quain
Apr 4, 2019
Cars Watching You, Watching Me
The automobile, in American life, has long been a hallmark of freedom. A teenager’s first driver’s license offers freedom from Mom and...

By John R. Quain
Mar 25, 2019
Teleoperation Gets Serious, and an Autonomous Shuttle Heads to NYC
What was once considered an afterthought, remote control operation of autonomous vehicles is starting to become another area of serious...

By John R. Quain
Mar 15, 2019
The Week in Autonomy: Tesla, Waymo, and Lidar
There were two noteworthy announcements this week, both interesting for what they indicated about the current state of the market. Tesla und

By John R. Quain
Mar 8, 2019
Electrified Geneva Show
Traditionally, the Geneva Motor Show has been for the spats and gaiters set. Half-a-million-dollar bespoke sedans, custom sports cars,...

By John R. Quain
Mar 1, 2019
The Week in Autonomy: Big Deals from BMW, Daimler, and FedEx
Daimler, the parent of Mercedes-Benz, and BMW agreed to work together on an autonomous vehicle platform this week. It was a sign of not...

By John R. Quain
Feb 27, 2019
FedEx Delivery Bot: All the Way to Memphis
Memphis, Tennessee, may be the place to be this summer when FedEx begins testing its own autonomous delivery robot. And while there are...

By John R. Quain
Feb 21, 2019
Consumer Reports Dings Tesla Model 3
"Declining reliability" is the way Consumer Reports referred to the Tesla Model 3 losing its "recommended" status at the magazine. The...

By John R. Quain
Feb 19, 2019
Astounding Traffic Fines, Amazing Fees
What state has the highest fines for speeding? What state lets you text and drive? Answers to these and other questions about the state...